多国专家亲手制作米粉,感受广西饮食文化魅力Foreign Experts Enjoy the Making of Rice Noodlesand the Charm of Guangxi Food Culture11月16日,由广西科技厅(外国专家局)主办、南宁市美洲翻译服务有限责任公司承办的“中华文化驿站之广西米粉文化体验”活动在南宁举行。来自美国、澳大利亚、日本、缅甸、泰国等多个国家共25位在桂工作外国专家齐聚一堂,解读广西米粉文化,体验米粉古法制作,感受米粉文化的魅力。On November 16, 25 foreign experts working in Guangxi from countries such as the United States, Australia, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, etc. came together to experience Guangxi rice noodles culture, learn about how to make the rice noodles with ancient technique and feel its charm in the activity of “Chinese Culture Post—Guangxi Rice Noodles Cultural Experience...