真题练习:PTE阅读Fill in the blanks题型2(1—10)
日期: 2018-12-11
浏览次数: 189

1.       Since the dawn of human civilization, human beings have consistently been____________their dream faculty. In the Aryan society too, the dreams____________ the human beings. The coming of Christianity itself was a great event in the history of mankind. The crucifixion of Jesus was seen in the dreams of the chosen and___________who had fathomless faith in Jesus, they had been informed in the dream that there would be a resurrection of Jesus and his sacrifice for the sins of humanity would not go _____________ .

     blessed                         interpreting                  wasted                          mystified     

2.       It’s no secret that battlefield trauma can leave__________with deep emotional scars that____________their ability to function in civilian life. But new research led by Washington University in St. Louis suggests that military service, even without_______________, has a subtle_____________effect on a man’s personality, making it potentially more difficult for veterans to get along with friends, family and co-workers.

            impact                     lingering                       veterans                 combat

3.       Considering their reputation as man-killers, it’s hardly surprising that hackles are raised any time someone brings up the idea of ____________wolves to the Scottish Highlands. Debate on this topic raging for years.____________ would like to see the Highland environment returned to its natural state. Opponents___________the animals___________for killing livestock.

propensity                     proponents                        reintroducing                       cite

4.       Brain concussion is a brain___________which does not have any macroscopic structural damage but is caused by mechanical force. Post traumatic amnesia was a condition to___________the brain concussion. Patients with brains concussion have always amnesia with normal___________status. One form of_______________left intact in patients is the ability to learn skills called procedural memory.

            diagnose                memory                    dysfunction                       neurological

5.       Carbon dioxide has an important function in maintaining the______________balance on Earth. Some of the sun’s_____________is absorbed by the Earth and some is radiated back into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere____________some of the radiation from leaving the atmosphere. Thus the heat remains in the atmosphere and carbon dioxide helps to prevent the_____________of the Earth from falling.

           prevents                  temperature                      radiation                  ecological

6.       The Natural Law, as applied to the case of human beings, requires greater_______________because of the fact that we have_______________and free will. It is our nature humans to act freely (i.e. to be provident for ourselves and others) by being inclined toward our proper acts and end. That is, we human______________must exercise our natural reason to discover what is best for us in order to achieve the end to which their nature inclines. Furthermore, we must______________our freedom, by choosing what reason determines to naturally suited to us, i.e. what is best for our nature. The natural inclination of humans to____________their proper end through reason and free will is a natural law. Formally defined, the Natural Law is humans’ participation in the Eternal Law, through reason and will. Humans actively 6 participate in the eternal law of God (the governance of the world) by using reason in conformity with the Natural Law to discern what is good and evil.

 precision            exercise                 beings                 achieve                reason

7.       In the____________of excellence and joy, the awareness of our adaptability is______________ . Change, and sometimes extensive and traumatic change, is part and___________of life. Fortunately, we are able to adapt to this change. That is, the favourable habits we develop within relatively stable circumstances - for example eating, working, or dating habits that are_____________to our happiness - do not truly define who we are.

       paramount                      conductive                      pursuit              parcel 

8.       Contrary to classical traditions, the Freudian and the Jungian themes are very much in____________in Hollywood films, the Producers always desire to sell a new __________in the film industry world wide. They take up the themes of amnesia and____________loss to achieve grandeur and suspense in the films as the______________demand, action, intricacy in the plot and a sense of romantic mystery.

        audience                      idea                        memory                      vogue 

9.       Humans of New York, the photographic____________of the amazing people____________around the streets of the Big Apple, was started by Brandon Stanton in the summer of 2010. What began as a journey for a young photographer,______________into a visual story, twisting its way through the tourist-filled streets, traffic-packed asphalt and winding subway tunnels of this manic city that millions of ___________ and beautiful individuals call home. Here are the 25 most romantic photos and stories throughout the history of HONY.

         unique                           archive                        exploded                         roaming                                      

10.    Nearly half of the smartphones___________in the United States are iPhones, and Apple may be reaching the___________point among potential customers in other developed countries. Rival smartphone makers using Google’s Android operating system_____________to challenge the company with powerful, less_____________devices.

saturation                   sold                        expensive                    continue


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